Zürich - Kirche Enge (CH)

Bluntschlisteig, 8002 Zürich
19.00 - Anschliessend Q & A

Bluntschlisteig, 8002 Zürich

Attisholz (CH) Kettenreaktion

24.8 - 26.8 .2019

- Dumbo-Filmfestival (New York - USA)

- SIFF - Switzerland International Film Festival

- Cutting Edge International Film Festival

- 12. Fünf Seen Filmfestival (Germany)

06.09 - 15.09.2018

- 7. On art - Open-air film festival (Poland)

The biggest open-air film festival in Central Europa

- 7. Panorama do cinema suíço contemporâneo (Brazil)

30.5 - 16.6.18

- 16. Cine Pobre Film Festival (Mexico)

Building bridges based on the belief that film becomes art only when its materials are as inexpensive as pencil & paper. Cine Pobre Film Festival is the 100% cartel-free intersection of culture and capabilities.

- ARFF (Amsterdam - Niederlands)

ARFF Amsterdam // International Awards

- 53. Solothurner Filmtage | Journées de Soleure (Switzerland)